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Building Regulations in Greece Rights and Restictions


When it comes to a plot purchase interest from a client, the first question that we are always asked is “What are the Building Rights on this plot of land?”. This article will help you understand the basic “plot categories” and their build-ability.

1) Plots within an urban plan or village boundaries
This is the basic category of plots, where the law predicts normally higher building factors and shorter distances from the boundaries.
In case of a plot located within an urban plan, the building regulations are pre-defined by the Urban Plan depending on the city block and the region that the plot is located.
Things are not so clear when it comes to villages, where the land is not separated  by blocks defined by a plan.The plots are properties with any shape and area, which can be old (old deeds) or new (that are a result of a land separation).
According to the main rule, a plot of land (new or old) located within the specified boundaries of a village has to have a total area of 1.000 sq.m. and has the right to build up to 400 sq.m. and has to have access from a municipal road.
This doesn’t mean that smaller plots within a village are not build-able.The exceptions on the main rule are many, for example a plot of a total surface of 300 sq.m. can be built under circumstances but not under the main rule (1.000 sq.m. – 400 sq.m. building right), but this should be examined by a specialist (civil engineer or topographer).

2) Plots located outside from urban plan or village
The main rule for plots of land located outside from any urban plan or village boundaries, is that it is required a minimum area of 4.000 sq.m. and building rights of 200 sq.m. for a residence.
When it comes to this category of plots, the minimum area of 4.000 sq.m. is not the only necessary condition. There are many parameters that have to be examined in order to ensure that the plot is build-able. Since the location is not a residential area, it has to be officially certified that it is not within a forest region (issued by the forestry), it is not within an agricultural region (issued by the agricultural office) or within a region that has archeological interest (issued by the local archaeology department). Another factor that has to be examined is whether the plot is located within a NATURA region, where the building regulations are different.

This article basically aims to give to the reader a first picture on the building regulations in Greece. The Greek Law is complex, so it is advised that before you move forward to purchase a piece of land, whether it is located within a residential area or not, to hire a professional Civil Engineer or Topographer who will check the build-ability of the plot. Normally it is the seller’s obligation to obtain a topographic plan where the plot is depicted and the building regulations are analysed, but it is safer to hire an independent professional who will do the necessary technical checks.In our company, our Engineers Team is executing the technical checks on behalf of our clients, when it comes to a plot purchase.